La Femme Fatale Review on

The first review of La Femme Fatale is here, by vampire literature expert Bertena Varney.

La Femme Fatale by Marilyn Yu is simply another example of the author’s myriad of talent. In her first book, Relations that Suck: The Story of Eva and Dries, she tells a spellbinding and passionate story by providing the reader with a virtual masterpiece of photographed actors playing the role in each page of the book. This was such a wonderful creation and it left me anxiously looking forward to her next book.

When I received the box I was shocked. I opened the “box” and realized that the book was created in a tarot style. Each page was a tarot card that represented the pages in Eva’s story.

While reading it, I found myself getting lost in the beauty of the cards and not taking in the entire story. But, as you read the story you are overtaken by the luring words in which Marilyn writes. She is not an author who just writes a story but she writes poetry and romance like no other. Each word is filled full of meaning and emotion like a strawberry that one bites into and the juice overtakes the senses. The taste is so beautiful and tasteful and not one that the normal reader can describe. She is amazing with her weaving of the story that she so graciously provides us with.

The Eva’s world of the vampire there is so much of this world that many vampire fans long for- colors that are bright, clothes that are rich, and beautiful beautiful people. The story and pages make ones long to be a part of Eva’s world, no matter if it is happy, sad or very real to the world of the vampire.

Marilyn has once again shocked, amazed, and pulled me into the world of Eva. It is unusual to find such talent in one person.

Marilyn not only writes the stories, designs the cards, photographs the actors, but designs and makes the clothing through her own personal clothing line, Plutonium Clothing.

I highly recommend this to everyone– the vampire fan, the artist, the poet – there is something here for everyone and more., June 1st, 2011
Bertena Varney, Paranormal Literature Examiner

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